Evil Dead (2013) -Review by Chris Webb

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Hello horror aficionados. Everyone knows that I feel there is no need for remakes. I appreciate what new writers and directors can create. Bringing fresh ideas to the horror table. I’m delighted when these newcomers can think ‘outside the box’, entertained by what they can construct out of relatively original ideas rather than clever or not so clever cash cow remakes.


On my death bed I will continue to say Evil Dead 2, as it is, will always be the best horror movie of all time! (it is).


That being said I did enjoy the new versions of Nightmare on Elm Street and the Texas Chainsaw reboots. I did not dig the remake of Psycho, because well, it totally sucked balls!

Touching our precious Evil Dead, I felt that was going way too far. It’s practically statutory rape. However Sam Rami did what Wes Craven, Toby Hooper, and Clive Barker did, they sold out, hopefully for millions. Can you blame them? No.

So I reluctantly watched the Evil Dead (2013). I tried to keep an open mind, stubbornly, but I did. And you know what?




The cast for the revision of Evil Dead, to its credit, was hand picked by Sam Rami and Bruce Campbell.

Bruce Campell

They chose no famous actors, which I love, and then covered them with blood.

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The writers changed the names, changed the hero, changed the story a bit, creating new problems for the characters to face, gave it a whole new twist, vicious new death scenes, priceless stuff.



The Evil Dead fans, even jaded ones like I was, should grin ear to ear.


They didn’t forget the gore fans. All the gorehounds will chow down on the blood caked buffet served up in this flick.


Did I want to hate it? Yes. Did I hate it? Nope, I loved it.


Great tip of the hat to Mr. Rami’s iconic ideas trudging on into the 2010s.



I give it four decapitated thumbs way up!


-I’m Chris Webb and I approve this message.

chris webb

I Spit on Your Grave 2 review by Webb

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I Spit on Your Grave 2 (2013)

I really want to tell you face to face my review on the new I Spit on Your Grave 2. But…. it would sound to creepy. I will say is that it was a good movie. It could have gone by a different title.

Decent acting.

A different story.

The kill scenes were not as good as the first 2010, I Spit on Your Grave.

Still I enjoyed the movie.


chris webb