Anita Blake Series (22 books) reviewed by Bloody Bobbie



Anita Blake Series

22 books strong, a Marvel Comic series and in talks for a show…


Meet Anita Blake, a tiny Kick-ass U.S. Marshal that also happens to be a vampire Executioner and a Necromancer. In Anita’s world the fanged and furry are newly legal U.S citizens and it’s Anita’s job to keep them in line. As the series goes along Anita gains friends, power and a whole lot of scars. What can you look forward to in this series….

Vampires- Every major city has a Master Vampire to keep all the little vamps in line, and every Master has a power and an animal to call. The Master Vamp in Anita’s city…..Jean Claude, his animal to call …the wolf, his power…sex of course. a snap of those undead fingers and the panties fall. Don’t mistake this for Twilight folks!!! This is NOT appropriate books for glittery Edward loving tweens!!

Were-what- WereEVERYTHING!!! Werelions, weretigers, werebears oh my! as well as werewolves, werepanthers, wererats, werehyenas……you get the picture. The main furry in Anita’s story, Richard Zeeman, a strong stubborn werewolf who wins her heart and loses it, and wins it, and loses it….well you want the juicy gossip….read it!!! Zombies-of course….the main character is a necromancer people! Part of Anita’s job is raising the dead to close court cases. Of course Anita has her morals. Never raise a murder victim, they become berserker zombies, and never raise the famous dead cause that’s just selfish….. But does Anita raise the dead in a pinch to save her own ass…..what do you think?

Humans- Yes there are plenty of human monsters in this series, my favorite….Edward. aka. Death, Anita’s fellow executioner who has NO morals or fears. Edwards ideas are if its fanged or furred it dies. Many of Anita’s co-workers are as scary as the creatures of the night they hunt.

Others- This series really has it ALL. You will read about witches, evil faeries, demons, snake people, mermaids and much much more…Creepiest of all the creeps. The Mother of all Darkness…aka mommy dearest, the Mother of ALL vampires.

Sex- The first 4 books are filled with so much sexual tension it makes you want to scream, ‘JUST DO IT ALREADY!!!!!” by book 15 your wondering who HASN’T she done it with. And is were-sex considered bestiality?! if that bothers you don’t read to far into this series…..Anita has more sexual issues than i have time to discuss.

This series has it all, humans, monsters, blood and sex. I fucking love it!

   I give it 5 out of 5

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 -Bloody Bobbie
