A Serbian Film reviewed by your Director



Ex-porn legend Milosh from beautiful Serbia is lured back into the biz for an enormous some of whatever Serbians call dollars, Dinars according to the all wise internet. I don’t know the amount but I’m thinking it’s millions. He won’t do child porn, he is assured its something much more special and it’s a revolutionary porn genre so there has to be plenty of secrecy about what they are doing. After a couple Jack Daniels Milosh and his smoking hot wife (she looks just like Jean Grey from X-Men) go for the money, a fat check of Serbian dinars.


The Big Picture:

A Serbian Film has always been precious to me because I got to see a bootleg copy from Synapse Films about a year before it was release in the USA. I didn’t even think it would get an American release. There are two critical scenes cut from the US version. I was greatly disturbed because of this. Those two scene are two of the most horrific in the movie. One can still caliginously discern what is going on in those scenes. I think with those two scenes cut, the film can’t be fully taken to a superlative hight of traumatic repugnance.

Milosh begins showing up for his scenes in this secretive porno. The charismatic Director speaks to him through a receiver stuck in his ear. Milosh is directed what to do. Milsoh finds the scenes bizarre, though he is always pretty drunk and drugged. Fuck it he whats that massive pay off. The money will set him, his wife, and son up for the rest of their Serbian lives. Milosh, endearing legendary porn star and family provider. Isn’t it admirable to see a man with his priorities in order. On a side note when Milosh catches his young son of about 8 or 9 watching a porno video featuring the boy’s father plowing the hell out of some blonde bimbo on a motor cycle, he takes the time to illustrate sex and masturbation. It’s the most bizarre illustration of adolescent sexual maturation I have ever heard.

Getting back to making the new porno genre, Milosh has seen no script so he really doesn’t understand what is going on. He continues to drink Jack Daniels like water. His perception becomes more warped. He becomes more easily manipulated by the Director. He is later given cow viagra, that little trick makes him an enraged sex machine with a foot long cock that could hammer nails into wood.

He finds himself in several scenes with a young girl present. She looks about twelve dressed as Alice in Wonderland. The film becomes increasingly taboo.  Milosh has second thoughts and want’s out but it’s to late. He jumps out a window. No matter, he is sucked into making more ‘Art’ as the Directer likes to shout over and over.

I won’t say too much about the movie because I don’t want to spoil the experience. It keeps pushing your threshold. After about 25 minutes into the movie you are quite hooked, you are no longer just watching, now you are experiencing A Serbian Film. Hold on tight, knuckles white as roasted turkey breast, A Serbian FIlm just keeps getting better.



Milosh performs his heart out. He fully embraces his role and is totally believable. All the acting is on target. I especially loved the charismatic Director. Your eyes are glued to him every time he is on screen. I never felt the acting ruined any scenes.

Gore: Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 11.05.57 PM Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 11.05.57 PMScreen Shot 2013-09-30 at 11.05.57 PMScreen Shot 2013-09-30 at 11.05.57 PMScreen Shot 2013-09-30 at 11.05.57 PM

We are treated to a few mucho grizzly scenes. A decapitation, a live skull fuck, and some gut churring rapes. There is a totally sick scene you will miss in the American cut, if you get an uncircumcised version look out.


SEX: bth_aad8521bth_aad8521bth_aad8521bth_aad8521bth_aad8521

This bitch is full of it. Softcore sex, necrophilia, anal, masturbation, cumshots, and off screen vaginal mutilation. Bouncing big boobs, full frontal male and female nudity. Last be NOT least Milosh’s huge cock hanging down to mid-thigh and fully erect pointing at the camera dripping in blood. I could do chin ups on that monster if I could do chins ups anymore. Vicious ass rape and fresh corpse fucking I’ll emphasize again.


Final Rating: 

A Serbian Film is an especially evil horror movie. It’s one of those sadistic movies you need a shower after watching. Even after the shower you still feel dirty, like your soul is polluted. It’s like after you eat a super sized value meal at McDonalds. That sick feeling you feel after, like why the fuck did I just do that to myself?

The movie has a great plot. At times scenes may seem random but fear not gorehounds, everything ties together in the end. You may need to contemplate and wrap your noggin around what you just witnessed.

Superb movie, brutal ending, well acted, lots of raunchy sex and Milosh’s endlessly consuming Jack Daniels night and day. A Serbian Film is original and shockingly taboo.

The movie is in Serbian, not dubbed into english, so you will have to read the dialogue. The speaking scenes are not so rapid fire that reading is a chore. I preferred hearing the actors real voices anyway.

 -The Death Director


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